We cannot afford to take water for granted. It is our most precious resource. Unfortunately, we use a lot of water during the summer on our yards. Did you realize that up to 60 percent of all household water use in the summer months is used for landscape purposes? By taking care of our lawns and gardens properly, we can save money, time, and help the environment by conserving water use.
Water conservation is the "beneficial reduction in water use, waste, and loss". It is proven to be the most economical and environmentally protective means of meeting the challenges of water supply management. Water conservation activities can help us save water, save time, and save money year round, not just in the summer. The Environmental Protection Agency encourages us to consider ‘greenscaping’ instead of landscaping. Greenscaping is a set of landscaping practices that can improve the health and appearance of your lawn and garden while protecting and preserving natural resources, like water.
Here are some tips from the Environmental Protection Agency Greenscape site for conserving water outdoors in these last few weeks of summer.
Build your soil with compost and mulch to hold water and reduce evaporation.
Choose low-water-use plants. Once established, they can often thrive just on rainfall.
Use soaker hoses or drip irrigation on beds - they can save 50 percent or more compared with sprinklers.
Use an outdoor water timer (available at garden stores) to water just the right amount, frequency and time of day. Even better get one with a sensor that shuts it down when it rains.
Water lawns separately from other plantings. Make sure sprinklers aren't watering the pavement.
When soil is dry or compacted, it won't absorb water quickly. If water puddles, stop watering a while and then restart so the water has time to soak in.
Water in the early morning—if you water at mid-day, much of the water just evaporates. Evening watering should be avoided because it can encourage the growth of mold or plant diseases.
In a dry spell, you can allow an established lawn to go dormant. Water just once a month and brown areas of the lawn will bounce back in the fall.
These ideas will save water and reduce your water bills, too. For more information on greenscaping, check out www.epa.gov .