Water Pollution Facts that Matter The following water ‘facts’ are actually caused by the everyday choices that we make, so get the facts… and then do something about it. Water Pollution Fact #1: Rainwater flows into storm drains and ditches and eventually into streams and waterways with little or no treatment. Water Pollution Fact #2: We all live in a watershed. What you do on your property does affect streams, even if you don’t live on a stream. Water Pollution Fact #3: Small amounts of contaminants from all over the land add up to cause pollution in our water. Yes, even the little things matter. You WILL make a difference, no matter how small, if you change the way you do some habits. Water Pollution Fact #4: Failing septic systems pollute. Untreated wastewater from failing septic systems can contaminate nearby streams, rivers, and even the ocean. Water Pollution Fact #5: Soap from washing your car at home pollutes. Soap and dirt from washing your car on concrete can flow through our storm drains and ditches and end up in our streams untreated. Water Pollution Fact #7: Oil and antifreeze from leaking cars pollutes. When it rains, water runs over the ground and picks up oil, antifreeze, and other pollutants and carries them to our waters. Water Pollution Fact #8: Garden and lawn chemicals pollute. Common pesticides and fertilizers can be found in local streams and canals. Water Pollution Fact #9: Household cleaners and chemicals can pollute. Cleaners and chemicals used or disposed of outside can end up in our waterways. Water Pollution Fact #10: Pet waste pollutes our water. Water Pollution Fact # 11: Lawn clippings and yard waste can become unwanted fertilizer for streams. Too much plant growth in streams can use up all the oxygen and kill fish and aquatic life. Water Pollution Fact # 12: Too much soil in runoff can pollute and cause negative consequences in waterways too Water Pollution Fact # 13: Sewage from boating can pollute. Untreated sewage is a significant risk to human health and wildlife. Water Pollution Fact # 14: Boat and engine maintenance can pollute. Toxic chemicals, oils, cleaners, and paint scrapings from boat maintenance can make their way into local waters. Water Pollution Fact # 15: Oil and antifreeze pollute our water when disposed of improperly. And the one we all have the most control over: Water Pollution Fact # 16: Littering pollutes. Litter thrown on the ground or blown out of vehicles can end up in our storm drains, canals, and streams.