Rivers Alive
Interested in volunteering for Rivers Alive? Check out what it is all about! Contact Keep Liberty Beautiful today at 912-880-4888 or klcb@libertycountyga.com to register for one of over 40 cleanup sites across our county from Walthourville to the Atlantic Ocean. The mission of Rivers Alive is to create awareness of and involvement in the preservation of Georgia's water resources---big and small. Rivers Alive targets cleanups across all waterways in the State of Georgia, including streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands and the ocean. Rivers Alive is a statewide waterway cleanup effort sponsored by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and Keep Georgia Beautiful Foundation in collaboration with the international efforts of The Ocean Conservancy. Locally, Keep Liberty Beautiful provides Rivers Alive each year on Make a Difference Day—the fourth Saturday of each October with the support of our local sponsor, SNF Chemtall. Chemtall generously supports this effort and provides a wonderful picnic for volunteers each year at Riceboro Creek! Why are waterway cleanups essential? • To prevent water pollution. Over 80% of marine litter comes from land- based sources: beach users, storm runoff, landfills, solid waste, debris carried in rivers and streams, poorly maintained garbage bins, and litter bugs. • Each year millions of birds, turtles, fish, and marine mammals are killed after getting tangled in marine debris or ingesting plastics - their habitat can be damaged and destroyed. • Swimmers and divers can also become entangled in abandoned nets and fishing lines or injured by debris hidden in our waters. • Litter is ugly wherever it is but definitely on our beaches and waterways.